About me
hello, I'm Viicccii from Malaysia! i'm working on rigging and streaming full time at the moment while being in school x
business email: [email protected]
i stream every monday, Wednesday, and friday (GMT+8 +8 1 PM)
pls boost me on valorant
if you want to commission me
click on the buttons to be directed!
By commissioning me you agree to the following terms
1. Credit me as your rig mama/papa/rigger :D
2. I have the right to decline any commission
3. Please don't pay me if you haven't sent over your PSD; I will be requesting payment once you've sent your PSD. This is to prevent refunds.
4 No refunds once I've started on your commission unless I am unable to complete it ; 20% refunds are provided if the commission process is at 50%.
5. will not tolerate ill behavior!
6. It can take me around 2 months to finish a rig, depending on the complexity of the model. (depending on the queue!)
7. Please don't rush me! You can pay a rush fee to get your model in 1-2 weeks or a month (depending on complexity)
8. Make sure that your model is a PSD file, properly named/colored! I will work with what my client provides
9. If you want your model to be kept a secret and don't want wips posted in public, let me know! I might stream the progress in Twitch.
10. I can post my finished work as samples to advertise my portfolio!
coms info
coms open
i dont do:
۶ৎ color change except toggle
۶ৎ mecha
۶ৎ complex animation (e.g pulling out sword)
۶ৎ no flame animation unless frame to frame is provided
partnered artist:
chibi mouse and keyboard:ewiika
art + rig bundle: m11kko
Rigging includes:
- Head XYZ movement
- Idle breathing
- Eyes, mouth, eyebrows movementsa
- Hair, clothes, breast, eyes etc physics
- Tail and ears physics (if any)
- 2 toggle expressions of your choice
- bald expression is free
Rigging includes:
- Head XYZ movement
- Idle breathing
- Eyes, mouth, eyebrows movementsa
- Hair, clothes, breast, eyes etc physics
- Tail and ears physics (if any)
- 2 toggle expressions of your choice
- bald expression is free
price list
100 (price will increase depending on complexity)Chibi
currently 100 on discount 150 (price will increase depending on complexity)
170 (price will increase depending on complexity)Full body
210 (price will increase depending on complexity)ALL PRICES IN USD
*price can lower if design is not that complexMalaysians have a special discount, but they need to pay with TNG OR BANK!
bust: rm 300
half: rm 450
chibi: rm 450
full body: rm 500Add-ons:Expression - $5 each
Hair toggle: starting price $20 (depending on complexity)
Clothes - starting price $30
arm toggle: $5
Animation [NO COMPLEX ANIMATION] - $10 each (e.g. for animation, idle sleep when lost tracking)
tongue tracking - 10
Rush Fee: 50 [a month], 100 [ a week or 2]
expressive ears - 10 [react to brows]
vbridger - 30 (Including tongue out, tongue physics, mouth press lips open, mouth pucker, funnel, shrug, jaw open, both eyes squint, cheek puff, and mouth X.)The client can ask for an expression if the PSD/file doesn't provide one—I can do angry and sad expressions!Prices are flexible if you have a specific budget in mind. I do payment plans. Please discuss this with me!FOR MALAYSIAN CLIENTS, ALL OF THESE PRICES ARE IN RINGGIT.REQUIREMENTS:
Make sure you read my T.O.S before commissioning me (i will assume you've already read it once i've accepted your commission!)
Model PSD to rig
Name of artist, designer so I can give credit after
Please make sure your PSD file layers are named. Additional $15 will be charged if you want me to name all of the layers
If you're unsure about price, please send me your png or PSD for me to estimate the price
For 50/50 payment, you can pay 50% upfront, then 50% after I finish everything
I'll only send the file over after you fully pay! I'll send the finished product video.
Throughout the process, I will deliver WIPS
Once done, the client will get the finished product via wetransfer or via email
Twitter: viicccii1
(both accs DMS open!)